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Dalmatian Adoption & Rescue

The Dalmatian, much like any other purebred dog has become the victim of the irresponsible and overbreeding by uninformed individuals. This has lead to the multiple physical problems apparent in most purebred dogs. The Dalmatian has the genetic problems of deafness, sensitive skin, kidney and urinary dysfunction and temperament difficulties.

The difference between the Dalmatian and other purebred dogs is in its uniqueness. No other dog in the world resembles a Dalmatian and its' spots. The breed is so unique that Walt Disney chose to make a movie about them and the Christmas season of 1996 made them a runway fashion accessory. This is where the downfall of the Dalmatian begins and continues.

Dalmatians are not an easy breed to take care of and they are certainly not as well behaved as the thoroughly and professionally trained dogs in the Walt Disney film. Mass media encourages the world to buy this "stylish" dog, but neglects to tell the world how difficult they are to raise. Dalmatians are abused because of a stubborn temperament, but also because most owners do not get their Damatian's hearing tested. A Dalmatian that does not listen may be one that is deaf.

Because of the special care that a Dalmatian needs and the level of abandonment in this breed, the Dalmatian Adoption & Rescue (DAR) fills a void in the animal rescue area. DAR cares for abused, unwanted, neglected and deaf Dalmatians and appropriate homes are found for these dogs. DAR also provides information to the public on such topics as abuse to animals and proper dog care.

dalhelp.jpg (5249 bytes)As a rescue club, staffed solely by volunteers, we welcome all donations. The money raised by DAR is used to pay for the medical treatment of rescued dogs, spaying or neutering, vaccinations, food, toys, leashes, collars, advertisement and Pet Conventions where our potential adoptees get most of their exposure. Since we have opened our program we have been swamped by calls from people looking to get rid of their Dalmatians.

Contact us at: 905-458-1883


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Senior Canine Rescue Society    5/20/98



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Received 10/25/98


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Contact us at: 905-458-1883

Check out the DAR picnic pictures.  Great food, fun, and dog people with their wonderful Dalmatian companions.


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